Monday, March 29, 2010

International Dinners and Marisco Lopez

This week, I had the opportunity to help plan the International Dinner we are having in a few weeks. I am very excited about it! I expected there to be about three of us bouncing ideas around in English. Instead, there were about eight women (teachers and moms) and Sam (one of the teachers here) all speaking in Spanish! It was a blast :) There were a few parts that I did not understand, but I was able to comprehend and communicate quite a bit, which was exciting. On Thursday, Emily and I went to Dani's house (my cooperating teacher) to meet the ABWE missions team and get to know them a bit better. We had a wonderful time learning more about the culture and getting involved in their ministry. On Saturday, we went to Lomito Arabe, which is one of my favorite places to eat here in Paraguay. I get Lomito about once a week!! Sam and Darrin (Darrin is student teaching as well) live across the hall, so they take Emily and I with them when they go grocery shopping or if they are just going out, which has been such a blessing! We are able to see a lot more of Asuncion because of them. They took us to Marisco Lopez to go shopping, and then we watched Sherlock Holmes. I am just having a blast getting to discover the culture here!

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